Executive Power (working title)

To prevent authoritarian rule, the Constitution outlined three branches of government. Slowly, the ability to question the presidency has slipped away from Congress and Americans.
To ensure no single person would ever rule over America, the United States Constitution outlined three branches of government: judicial, legislative, and executive. Over two hundred years later, the executive branch is now allowed to operate secretly with increased authority. Recent inquiries into this use of power have been answered inconclusively by claims of executive privilege, leaving executive power unchecked and ever expanding.
The validity of free elections hinges upon transparency in government. The clouded communication of the executive branch threatens the nation’s longevity and its citizens’ freedoms. Questions instigate change. The answers we seek by talking with politicians, civil rights groups, and proactive citizens will help Americans restore the ideals of our Constitution and fulfill the dreams it inspired.
Grey Matters Media is capturing stories that characterize the disregard of representational government and the desire to restore the balance of power.
For more information: grey matters media
$ 20,000.00
Project's Financial Needs
Funds will be used for equipment rental, travel, lodging, and other associated crew costs.
Other financial Support
F & F donations.
Current stage of production
Estimated Completion Date
Grey Matters Media produces media to raise awareness of issues that exist in the grey areas of life. The company has produced work in the United States, Nicaragua, and South Africa on a variety of topics ranging from international politics to deaf literature.
In 2006, Grey Matters Media followed the Nicaraguan presidential elections and had the opportunity to document a burgeoning democracy. Speaking with the nation's business leaders, presidential candidates, and former president, the production team was amazed at the honesty with which the interviewees discussed democracy. With these conversations defining democracy much like it was at the drafting of our Constitution, Grey Matters Media decided decided to look at how this discussion has changed within the United States.
Company Mission and Values
To educate, inform, and encourage action through captivating media.
Grey Matters Media is a proponent for open and honest communications, internally and externally. Identifying truth in grey areas cannot be approached without a base of honesty between the company’s staff and the communities with which they interact. Keeping an open mind, and eagerly questioning the social and political environment enables Grey Matters Media to always represent that which is not in focus, that which exists in the Grey.
The two company founders merged their experience and individual values to create the value framework for Grey Matters Media. Jeremiah Cohick, one of Grey Matters Media’s founding members, is a voracious online media consumer who contends that information should be available for fair use in the public sphere. His drive to incorporate Creative Commons content licensing models for the company’s work allows others to use, adapt, and enhance Grey Matters Media’s content simply with attribution. This openness and eagerness for access has directly translated into the company values of open and honest communications.
Arthur Nicholls, the other Grey Matters Media founding member, brings a cache of experience creating poignant video content internationally. His work, focused on the impact of the United States in third world nations, has driven him to seek out stories that shed light on people or issues that may be overlooked. The drive to find these stories has translated into the company's promise to look in the grey areas of life and to a push for a corporate consciousness of awareness.